- Professor: Judit Meca Camprubí
Skill Level: Beginner
- Professor: Laia Morera
- Professor: Maria Nicole Nelson
Skill Level: Beginner
- Professor: Queralt Meca
- Professor: Maria Nicole Nelson
Skill Level: Beginner
- Professor: Queralt Meca
- Professor: Maria Nicole Nelson
Skill Level: Beginner
Castell Immerscom´s Preparatòria group for children aged between 10 and 11 years old.
- Professor: Elisa Belinchon
- Professor: Tania Fargas Soler
- Professor: Sharlene Garcia Dominguez
- Professor: Queralt Meca
- Professor: Judit Meca Camprubí
- Professor: Laia Morera
- Professor: Maria Nicole Nelson
- Professor: Gianni Subirana
Skill Level: Beginner
The Primer course is designed for children who are between 11 and 12 years old. This course focuses on introducing children to a wide range of topics and language areas. The course is taught in 90% English, and students develop strong listening and comprehension skills. Welcome to Castells Immerscom!
- Professor: Elisa Belinchon
- Professor: Tania Fargas Soler
- Professor: Sharlene Garcia Dominguez
- Professor: Jennifer Junyent
- Professor: Queralt Meca
- Professor: Laia Morera
- Professor: Maria Nicole Nelson
- Professor: Gianni Subirana
Skill Level: Beginner
The segon course is designed for children who are between 12 & 13 and are on their way to preparing for the First Certificate exam.
- Professor: Elisa Belinchon
- Professor: Tania Fargas Soler
- Professor: Sharlene Garcia Dominguez
- Professor: Queralt Meca
- Professor: Judit Meca Camprubí
- Professor: Laia Morera
- Professor: Maria Nicole Nelson
- Professor: Gianni Subirana
Skill Level: Beginner
- Professor: Elisa Belinchon
- Professor: Tania Fargas Soler
- Professor: Sharlene Garcia Dominguez
- Professor: Jennifer Junyent
- Professor: Queralt Meca
- Professor: Judit Meca Camprubí
- Professor: Laia Morera
- Professor: Maria Nicole Nelson
- Professor: Gianni Subirana
Skill Level: Beginner